2024 Speakers
Next Steps to Net Zero

Janet Smith
Head of Sustainability | The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust
'Transition Plan - It's Role in Achieving Net Zero Estates'
The NHS contributes around 4%-5% to the UK carbon emissions and has committed to achieving net zero in 2040 for its direct emissions and 2045 for indirect emissions. If this commitment is not translated into concrete actions to delivering actual progress towards decarbonising the NHS, it risk becoming a mere public relations exercise.
A net zero transition plan provides a clear set of practical steps to turn net zero ambition and commitments into quantifiable actions across a range of areas within an organisation and tracks its progress. In this session Janet will focus on Estates Transition Plan.

Peter Kelly
Group Director of Sustainable Operations | ISG
'The Entopia Building - Inside a World First Sustainable Retrofit'
The Entopia Building at the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL), part of the University of Cambridge is an example of a world first sustainable retrofit. Originally a telephone exchange from the 1930s, the Entopia building has been transformed into sustainable office space. This insightful presentation will provide an opportunity to delve into the opportunities and lessons learnt during the retrofit process.

Anna Bright
Chief Executive | Sustainability West Midlands
'Adapt to Survive'
The most recent UK Climate Change Risk Assessment gave us a stark warning about the impact climate change is likely to have on our health and the NHS through increasing heatwaves, flooding, water scarcity and pests and diseases.
Local authorities are at the forefront of the response on climate change adaptation and there is a strong recognition from councils that they need to adapt their services and communities to climate change risks.
This presentation will set out practical steps for any organisation on improving resilience and adapting to our changing climate.

James Bate
Sustainability Consultant – Healthcare | Turner & Townsend
'How to Make Carbon Pay?'
Making the business case for large scale decarbonisation projects can be challenging. Across the NHS there are many competing priorities, decisions are made in the short-term, and sustainability programmes do not always give a quick financial return. All these challenges are slowing the NHS down in reaching its scope 1 emissions targets. However, this talk demonstrates how strategic capital planning, informed by bottom-up technical data, can help make the business case for Net Zero so that estate decarbonisation projects are prioritised in future investment decisions.

Debbie Flevotomou
CEO, Head of Global Design | Debbie Flevotomou Architects
'The Intersection of Sustainability, AI and Beauty in Architecture'
Exploring the intersection of AI in architecture and the benefits of AI in design. AI streamlines design, enhances efficiency, and bridges the gap between imagination and reality. Debbie Flevotomou’s innovative approach integrates AI and biophilia in architecture, fostering optimism for the future.

Tim Abram
Associate Project Architect | Willmore Iles
'Striking the Balance Between Sustainability and Affordability in Student Residential Development'